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RemoteGraphQL YogaQuick Start

Quick Start

GraphQL Yoga is a batteries-included cross-platform GraphQL over HTTP spec-compliant GraphQL Server using Envelop, and GraphQL Tools that runs anywhere.



You will need to provide a schema to Yoga, either by an existing executable schema or by providing your type definitions and resolver map.

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node' const server = createServer({ schema: { typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ ` type Query { hello: String } `, resolvers: { Query: { hello: () => 'Hello from Yoga!' } } } }) server.start()

Yoga uses GraphQL Tools under the hood so you’ll want to follow the makeExecutableSchema pattern.

That is it!

Now visit http://localhost:4000/graphql to execute the following query operation:

query HelloWorld { hello }

Using Existing Schema

You can also pass an existing GraphQLSchema instance to createServer.

If you’re using a library such as Pothos, GraphQL Nexus, gqtx, or vanilla graphql-js, you simply can pass the GraphQLSchema to schema:

import { createServer } from '@graphql-yoga/node' import { schema } from './schema' const server = createServer({ schema }) server.start()